
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

Latest news

19 September 2016

Rising use of prison video links limit lawyer-client access

An increased reliance on video links in court matters has put prisoners at a distance from their lawyers, finds research conducted in two NSW prisons.  

16 September 2016

How to get liked and shared on Facebook: new research

A new study of the Facebook pages of 20 Australian public health agencies reveals that videos, celebrities, sports stars, emotional appeals and factual information generate greatest user-engagement, while techniques such as sponsorships and authority figures reduce user engagement.

29 August 2016

Landmark report on delayed reporting of child sex abuse prosecutions

Research funded by the Royal Commission is the first in Australia and one of few internationally to examine the impact of delayed reporting on complaints. 

29 August 2016

Is Australia denying Timor its birthright?

This week's conciliation talks in The Hague give Australia a new chance to do the right thing by East Timor to help it secure its future, writes Professor Ben Saul.

24 August 2016

Brave ex-ISIS captive condemns Yazidi genocide

Former ISIS captive and Yazidi spokesperson Nadia Murad delivered a powerful speech on campus, calling for justice and action over the terrorist group's mass violence against women and children.

18 August 2016

Reflecting on emotions of the past at new Wollongong exhibition

A new photo exhibition, Treasured Possessions, explores the 'profound life experiences' of Wollongong's senior residents.

18 August 2016

Skeletal analysis reveals Pompeii myths are getting long in the tooth

A team led by Dr Estelle Lazer of the University of Sydney has used portable digital x-rays to yield readable images of bones embedded in thick plaster.

17 August 2016

Unique learning hubs established in Kakadu, far west NSW and the Tiwi Islands

Students to work with Aboriginal communities on a range of critical projects.

15 August 2016

Continuing the conversation with Linda Burney MP

After speaking passionately about the issue of girls’ education at a special Sydney Ideas event last week, the Federal Member for Barton, Linda Burney sat down with Media and Communications student, Angela Wilcox to talk more about the issue and what students can do to make a difference.

04 August 2016

Fifteen nations placed on genocide watchlist

The chief investigator of the University's Atrocity Forecasting Project has urged 'intensive monitoring' of nations facing significant risk of genocide.

03 August 2016

Poche Patron calls for increased funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research projects

Professor Tom Calma AO appealed to the ARC to match the NHMRC's level of funding for Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander projects at a University of Sydney health research showcase last week.

03 August 2016

Art show gives PhD students valuable curating experience

Bingqing Wei and Minerva Inwald have melded theory with hands-on experience for the University Art Gallery's latest exhibition. 

25 July 2016

University-wide commitment to cultural competence embraced

The University of Sydney demonstrated a campus-wide commitment to diversity at its Cultural Competence at Sydney launch last week.

25 July 2016

NAIDOC Person of the Year leads education forum seeking change

Following his powerful speech at the 2016 NAIDOC Awards, Professor Chris Sarra will facilitate a day of workshops for teachers and other staff working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students on Tuesday 26 July.

21 July 2016

National prize for academic's support for future teachers

Dr Jen Scott Curwood’s leadership has been recognised by Teachers Mutual Bank and the Australian Teacher Education Association.

20 July 2016

It's just a joke: the subtle effects of offensive language

Clinical psychologist Dr Christopher Hunt draws on his research into sexism, as well as referring to research about homophobia and discrimination generally, to provide insights into the significant impacts of our words. 

20 July 2016

Why augmented reality in public spaces is a game changer

An urban mobile gaming researcher explains what Pokémon Go and Ingress can tell us about augmented reality experiences. 

18 July 2016

Pokémon Go puts pressure on when technology meets the law

Media law expert from Sydney Law School, Michael Douglas, explains why Pokémon Go and New South Wales courtrooms do not mix. 

13 July 2016

South China Sea ruling: our experts explain its significance

According to our experts, this week's landmark South China Sea ruling could have a significant and lasting impact on international relations.  

12 July 2016

Why the dogs turned men into monsters

Greyhound racing has long been a sport justified by gambling, writes Dr Steve Georgakis.