
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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11 July 2016

Prescription drugs and crime raise questions for the law

While intoxication is colloquially labelled a defence, it’s not an excuse for crime, explains Arlie Loughnan. 

08 July 2016

Three federal election questions answered by our experts

As the vote count continues, experts from the University of Sydney contribute to some of the key debates surrounding the 2016 Federal Election.

08 July 2016

The NDIS does not yet address all the needs of Indigenous people with disabilities

While the NDIS presents an opportunity to address the gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people with disabilities, a number of challenges still remain writes Dr John Gilroy.

04 July 2016

No identity: one in five Aboriginal births unregistered in WA

Nearly one in five Aboriginal children aged less than 16 years old in Western Australia had unregistered births according to new research that means thousands of Aboriginal children are likely to have no official identity.

29 June 2016

Outstanding achievement by Sydney Law School student at Cambridge

Mitchell Cleaver is the first Sydney Law School student to receive a dual degree from one of the UK's most prestigious law schools.

28 June 2016

Winter Program prepares students for university life

We’re helping more than 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 students prepare for exams and university life as part of the Bunga Barrabugu Winter Program this week.

23 June 2016

Many vote with their wallets, but our hearts and consciences should be heard

The protection of human rights is a basic test of a government's decency, writes Professor Ben Saul.

22 June 2016

75% want non-lethal response - survey at world’s leading shark bite area shows

A survey of 600 Western Australians has found 75 percent of respondents support the West Australian government selecting non-lethal responses following shark bite incidents. 

15 June 2016

How can we make sense of the Orlando shooting?

As the world mourns the tragic loss of 50 lives, how can we answer the questions around homophobia and mental health raised by the Orlando shooting? Our researchers appeared on ABC’s The Drum to discuss the complex debate. 

08 June 2016

Leading legal expert named Harvard Chair in Australian Studies

The University of Sydney and Harvard University have announced the appointment of Professor Ben Saul to the Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser Chair in Australian Studies for the 2017–2018 academic year.

07 June 2016

Malcolm or Bill: who would you invite to your barbecue?

Putting aside the significant policy differences between the political parties in the upcoming federal election, some Australians end up voting on the basis of who they would rather share a barbecue with, writes Adjunct Professor Nick Rowley. 

07 June 2016

Pre-election web tool helps voters get up to speed

University experts are contributing to an online tool which allows Australians to assess their political leanings against the major parties' positions on key themes, in the lead-up to the July 2 Federal Election.

03 June 2016

Top picks of the Sydney Film Festival

With the 2016 Sydney Film Festival rapidly approaching, movie experts Dr Bruce Isaacs and Dr David Kelly offer their top picks to help you make your way through the diverse program.

01 June 2016

The six best Scorsese scenes

Dr Bruce Isaacs from the Film Studies program on the best scenes from Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese.

30 May 2016

Crowdfunding campaign supports students competing in Indigenous Unigames

The University of Sydney's latest crowdfunding campaign will raise funds to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students compete in the National Indigenous Tertiary Education Student Games.

26 May 2016

Saying sorry isn't enough for Indigenous children

All children should be supported to be safe in their families and communities, write Judy Cashmore and Teresa Libesman.

23 May 2016

Rare Music Collection on display at University

First editions of works by Handel and Mozart and recordings of traditional Indigenous music-making are among a varied and intriguing exhibition of 18th and 19th century European music printing and Australian materials at the University of Sydney’s Fisher Library.

21 May 2016

What I learned from meeting Marlon James

When second year Arts and Law student Tom St John volunteered at our Sydney Writers' Festival Media Hub he soon found himself meeting Man Booker Prize winner Marlon James.

20 May 2016

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law

A case of an Uber driver from Perth suing the company because his contract was terminated may show how protected drivers are under law, writes Professor Joellen Riley, Dean of Sydney Law School.

18 May 2016

MECO students covering the federal election via UniPollWatch

Students from the University of Sydney's Department of Media and Communications will be part of Australia's largest newsroom reporting on the 2016 federal election campaign.