The milky way as seen from an observatory.

Science & technology

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08 July 2024

Should the NSW Government buy our toll roads?

Toll roads charge too much yet we don't have enough of them. To fix both things, NSW should buy their private owners, writes Professor David Levinson for The Conversation.
03 July 2024

Researchers unlock 'materials genome', opening possibilities for next-generation design

A new microscopy method has allowed researchers to detect tiny changes in the atomic-level architecture of crystalline materials like advanced steels for ship hulls and custom silicon for electronics. It could advance our ability to understand the fundamental origins of materials properties and behaviour.
03 July 2024

Researchers develop new transparent 'blood vessel-on-a-chip'

Researchers have developed a 'blood vessel-on-a-chip' for heart disease with the potential to change the future of drug testing and development. The technology could also reduce our reliance on animal testing.
01 July 2024

Australia's 'Easter bunny', the bilby, has had its genome fully sequenced

Under pressure from predatory foxes and cats and competing with feral rabbits, the Greater bilby has lost more than 80 percent of its habitat. Conservation work led by Professor Carolyn Hogg is designed to help save the bilby from extinction.
27 June 2024

Psylo partnership to deliver psychedelic treatments for mental health

University research expertise combined with Psylo's artificial intelligence platform promises life-changing therapeutics.
26 June 2024

Promising pathway discovered to treat rare childhood brain disease

Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome is a rare disease that can trigger dementia in children. Associate Professor Markus Hofer and colleagues in the UK are focusing on treatments in the blood vessels in the brain to combat AGS.
26 June 2024

ARC invests in research partnerships with industry

The Australian Research Council has awarded $5.15 million to industry projects at the University, along with funding for an Industrial Transformation Training Centre to prepare leaders of Australia's future quantum computing industry
25 June 2024

Beyond CRISPR: seekRNA delivers a new pathway for accurate gene editing

Patented method developed in the laboratory of Dr Sandro Ataide promises to accelerate the potential of genetic engineering already shown by CRISPR gene-editing technology.
18 June 2024

Tight-knit communities can prevent environmental progress

New research indicates that strong community bonds could hinder rather than help environmental initiatives.
18 June 2024

Koalas can predict and prepare for the hottest days of summer

The iconic marsupial can regulate its temperature to a greater degree than previously thought - but this could prove troublesome as global warming bites.