The milky way as seen from an observatory.

Science & technology

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27 July 2023

Western science catches up with First Nations' medicinal use of ant honey

Scientists have discovered the honey produced by Australian ants possesses unique anti-microbial activity against bacteria and fungi that could make the liquid useful medicinally.
17 July 2023

Veterinary education faces a sustainability crisis: VSANZ report

Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand (VSANZ) has released 'Rethinking Veterinary Education', a landmark report calling for an overhaul in how future veterinarians are educated.
15 July 2023

Fish-free omega-3 supplement created from bacteria

A new generation omega-3 supplement has been commercialised by a research affiliate in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Sydney Knowledge Hub to address the increasing demand for omega-3s amid diminishing supply from fish stocks.
14 July 2023

Sydney astronomers identify the coldest star yet that emits radio waves

Deepening our knowledge of ultracool brown dwarfs like this one will help us understand the evolution of stars, says lead author and PhD student in the School of Physics Kovi Rose.
13 July 2023

Global analysis shows how pesticides leach into the environment

A University of Sydney led study published today in Nature has revealed the chemical odyssey pesticides embark upon after their initial agricultural application, with environmental consequences for a range of ecosystems.
11 July 2023

Digital skin check service wins Sydney Genesis startup competition

A dermatologist who has developed technology to tackle melanoma has won $25,000 towards his venture in the University of Sydney Business School's flagship startup accelerator.
11 July 2023

Scientists discover 36-million-year geological cycle that drives biodiversity

Movement in the Earth's tectonic plates indirectly triggers bursts of biodiversity in 36-million-year cycles by forcing sea levels to rise and fall, new research has shown.
04 July 2023

Sydney scholars honoured with top Australian fellowship

Three University of Sydney academics have been awarded prestigious Australian Laureate Fellowships from the Australian Research Council.
04 July 2023

Quasar 'clocks' show Universe running five times slower soon after Big Bang

Quasars are the supermassive black holes at the centres of early galaxies. Professor Geraint Lewis in the School of Physics has unlocked their secrets to use them as 'clocks' to measure time near the beginning of the universe.
03 July 2023

The looming 840,000 tonne waste problem that isn't single-use plastics

Researchers at the University of Sydney have developed new methods to solve a major source of future waste from the automotive, aerospace and renewable industries.