The milky way as seen from an observatory.

Science & technology

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01 March 2024

How an invasive bee colony defied a genetic bottleneck

In 2007 a single Asian honeybee swarm appeared in North Queensland. There are now more than 10,000 colonies. Dr Ros Gloag has found surprising adaptability despite low genetic diversity, which could be a good sign for species facing population collapse.
26 February 2024

Researchers closer to understanding hydrogen's great challenge

Embrittlement is one of the biggest obstacles facing the transition to a global hydrogen economy. A new process uncovered by researchers at the University of Sydney is helping shed light on how to better prevent it.
15 February 2024

Looking towards the future of biomedical research and innovation

Researchers, clinicians, industry, government and philanthropic partners have come together to celebrate the future of biomedical research in Australia, with construction of the state-of-the-art Sydney Biomedical Accelerator set to begin this year.
09 February 2024

Engineers to develop robot maintenance crews in space

SmartSat is backing the University of Sydney with $2.3 million to research and develop robotic maintenance of satellites while in orbit in a step to extend the lifespan of vital space infrastructure.
08 February 2024

What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago? Scientists have an answer

Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz was inspired during a field trip to the Flinders Ranges to find out how volcanic activity turned our blue dot to an ice covered planet. Together with Professor Dietmar Muller and the EarthByte group, they've produced an answer.
02 February 2024

Scammed by 'fake news': animals led by the nose to leave plants alone

Loss of plants to herbivore feeding is a big economic and environmental problem. Most methods to deal with this are unethical, expensive or limited. PhD student Patt Finnerty has developed a new method that relies on animal preferences
31 January 2024

Black summer bushfires wiped $2.8 billion from tourism supply chains

A study by PhD student Vivienne Reiner from the Centre of Integrated Sustainability Analysis highlights economic vulnerabilities to extremes of climate change.
26 January 2024

University community recognised in 2024 Australia Day Honours

A revolutionary approach to treating melanomas and major contributions to advancing immunisation, mental health, sound economic social policy, pain management and soil science were among the achievements of current University of Sydney staff individually honoured on Australia Day.
25 January 2024

Centralised social networks potentially hinder innovation

Social systems where influence is centred around one or two individuals can lead to pack mentality and group think in farming communities, according to new research.
26 December 2023

'Maintain Asian forest diversity to avoid climate change impact'

Research suggests that conservation of Asian forests now can help resist impacts from climate change.