Centres and institutes_

Our facilities

World-class facilities that inspire innovation
Our curated suite of facilities incorporate the latest drug discovery capabilities to inspire and enable world-leading research for innovative therapeutics.

We have collated a suite of facilities equipped with advanced tools and technologies to support each stage of the early drug discovery process.

Facilities include DDI funded labs, the University of Sydney’s core research facility for drug discovery, and externally managed facilities located on University grounds for ease of access and organic collaboration between our researchers.



Sydney Analytical Drug Discovery Node

The Sydney Analytical Drug Discovery Node is the University of Sydney Core Research Facility for drug discovery.

The facility is equipped with platforms for protein production and characterisation, cyclic peptide and fragment-based drug screening, 3D cell culture and a comprehensive range of advanced equipment. 

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In Silico Drug Design Facility

Funded by the DDI, the In Silico Drug Design Facility is situated in the The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy.

The facility is equipped with top-of-the-line workstations for screening compounds efficiently, and GPU-based workstation for rapid molecular dynamics experiments.

Our expert user group who manages the facility assist researchers in developing application grants and other submissions related to supercomputer methodology. 

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MedChem Australia

MedChem Australia is a national medicinal chemistry initiative which integrates our Centre’s expertise in collaboration with the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, WEHI and Therapeutics Innovation Australia to establish a framework for translating discoveries into optimised drug candidates.

MedChem Australia provides medicinal chemistry and DMPK resources to address critical capability barriers. Their far-reaching expertise bolsters innovative drug discovery through project support and engagement. MedChem Australia resources are available to successful applicants. 

Learn more about MedChem Australia