Scanning electron microscopy image of a rat's tongue

Scanning electron microscopy

Capabilities in surface topography and composition analysis
Learn more about our scanning electron microscopes which can be utilised for a range of research and industrial applications.

Our facilities

  • Schottky field-emission monochromated electron source for high resolution and high stability imaging
  • Topographic imaging below 1nm resolution
  • Stage biasing for low voltage imaging
  • Wide array of detectors including, CBD, ABS and STEM.
  • Multiple Plasma Ion source including Xe.Ar.N and O for high throughput milling and targeted ion solid interactions
  • Multi gas injection and mixing systems with range of precursor gas options
  • Integrated Oxford Instrument AZtec EDS and EBSD system, with X-Max 80mm2 SDD EDS detector, and high speed Symmetry EBSD detector
  • Automated 3D imaging, EDS and EBSD mapping capability
  • Easy lift micro manipulator for in-situ TEM and atom probe sample lift-out
  • Schottky field emission gun SEM for high resolution imaging
  • Variable pressure capability enabling study of non-conductive material
  • Gatan 3view 2XP serial block face SEM system, enabling fully automated serial sectioning through resin-embedded samples
  • Low kV BSE detector providing TEM quality backscatter electron images, revealing cellular structures in a wide variety of life sciences samples
  • Tomographic z-resolution <30nm using 3view system
  • Up to 32k x 24k pixel image collection
  • This instrument can be fitted with a regular, motorised SEM stage for routine imaging of both bulk and electron transparent samples
  • Compatible with correlative microscopy system, Shuttle and Find

Dr Errin Johnson  (errin (Bio)

  • Schottky field emission gun (FEG) SEm for high resolution imaging
  • Variable pressure (VP) capability enabling study of non-conductive material
  • Dedicated low kV BSE detector providing TEM quality backscatter electron images, revealing cellular structures in a wide range of life-science samples
  • STEM detector with brightfield and darkfield imaging
  • Topographic imaging to ~1nm using an in-lens secondary electron detector
  • Up to 8k resolution image collection
  • Compatible for use with correlative microscopy system, Shuttle and Find
  • Integrated Oxford instrument AZtec EDS and EBSD system, with X-Max 20mm2 SDD EDS detector and high speed Nordlys-F+ EBSD detector
  • This all-in-one, superfast and easy to use desktop SEM provides high resolution imaging with elemental analysis of large samples up to 100mm x 100mm
  • Can be used for SE, BSE imaging and EDS analysis
  • Integrated EDS system with Thermoelectrically cooled Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
  • A proprietary venting/loading mechanism ensures the fastest vet/load cycle
  • Electron Optical: long lifetime thermionic source (CeB6) and multiple beam currents
  • Computer controlled motorized stage
  • Fast training - normally completed in 1 hour
  • Easy to use with a high throughput
  • Schottky field-emission source for high resolution and beam current
  • Exceptional low kV performance
  • Topographic imaging to < 1nm using an in-lens secondary electron detector
  • High-resolution orientation and strain imaging by AsB detector
  • Nanoscale, high-sensitivity compositional imaging using EsB detector and limiting grid
  • Charge compensator (gas injector) for imaging of non-conducting specimens
  • Oxford Instruments AZtec integrated EDS and EBSD system, with X-Max 20mm2 silicon drift EDS detector and Symmetry CMOS EBSD detector, allowing 0.3ms per point acquisition
  • Dedicated sample holders for transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) analysis
  • Oxford Instruments Layerprobe software for measuring thin film thicknesses and composition
  • High-current mode for extended depth of field and EBSD
  • STEM detector with brightfield and darkfield imaging
  • Evactron on-chamber Plasma cleaner for removing carbon contamination.
  • Zeiss EVO 50 SEM can be used for a range of imaging and analytical applications using either a W or LaB6 filament
  • Large area BSE detector ideal for imaging mineralogical and metallurgical samples
  • Oxford Instruments AZtec EDS system, with large area X-Max 80mm2 silicon drift EDS detector
  • Fully automated analytical capability with particle detection ("Feature"), large area imaging and EDS map montaging
  • Ideal for automated detection of inclusions in steel, heavy minerals in rocks and particle classification in engineering applications
  • Multi sample stages (5 polished thin sections or 9 epoxy-mounted blocks)
  • Schottky field-emission electron source for high resolution and high stability imaging
  • Topographic imaging down to 1nm resolution
  • Additional imaging with retractable BSE and STEM detectors
  • High resolution Ga ion source (Cobra) with <2.5nm resolution
  • Additional low kV FIB option, enabling high resolution milling below 5kV
  • Multi and single gas injection systems with range of precursor gas options
  • FIBICS advanced patterning software
  • In-chamber Kleindiek micromanipulator system for in-situ TEM and atom probe sample lift-out
  • Cryo stage and cryo UHV transfer system for cyro milling and vacuum transfer of APT samples