This is a study on transition from paediatric to adult care in older adolescents with chronic physical illness
Professor Katharine Steinbeck.
Westmead - Childrens Hospital at Westmead Clinical School
The prevalence of chronic physical illness in childhood is increasing, in part due to better medical care which has improved survival into adulthood and in part due to increases in prevalence of certain chronic illnesses. Transition involves a change of institution from the family orientated approach of paediatric services to the more individual, autonomous approach in adult health services. A failed transition results in sub-optimal care and unplanned emergency hospital admissions. While much has been written on transition, there have been few prospective studies on what improves the transition process and the ability of a young person to manage their condition in an adult context. I have been involved with the NSW statewide transition program for over a decade ( and have been instrumental in developing research for the transition network. There are a number of possible transition projects which could be developed according to researcher interest and expertise. The Academic Department of Adolescent Medicine is interested in generic approaches to transition including developing health literacy, e-technology supports, the role of parents and the economic impact of failed transition. This research focuses on the time after the young person leaves The Children's Hospital at Westmead and what affects engagement with adult services. Any researcher interested in transition in chronic illness should contact Professor Kate Steinbeck to further discuss ideas and options.
Additional Supervisor is Associate Professor Sue Towns.
There are a number of projects available which would suit MPhil or PhD. In certain circumstances there would be the possibility of doing an Honour's project in a clearly defined area. Transition research would be of interest to medical and nursing graduates, as well as those in health psychology and health sciences. Each year, the Academic Department of Adolescent Medicine advertises the medical Marie Bashir Clinical Research Fellow in Adolescent Health, a provisional Fellow position which is open to medical graduates, preferably in their final year of advanced training or who have completed advanced training. This Fellowship could potentially be the first year of a full-time MPhil or PhD for a suitably qualified applicant.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 1266