Research Supervisor Connect

‘Attitudes towards Ageing’


This attitudinal research program is being led by Dr Kate O’Loughlin as part of ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR). We aim to investigate people’s attitudes towards ageing in a variety of contexts.  This research capacity could be used for PhD theses on a variety of topics, for example, the effects of age discrimination in the work place, the effects of age discrimination on health and wellbeing along with investigations into the outcomes of those with negative attitudes towards ageing.


Associate Professor Kate O'Loughlin.

Research location

Ageing, Work and Health Research Group

Program type



The rights and self respect of older people depends largely on their ‘social treatment’ in everyday life but there is growing evidence that they are facing negative attitudes and outright discrimination that limits their contributions and well-being.   Ageism is arguably the last of the ‘isms’, after sexism and racism, to be recognised and confronted; negative views arguably are increasing along with rising concerns about intergenerational equity and the costs of an ageing population (The Treasurer’s Intergenerational Report, 2010).  The Age Discrimination Act (ADA) of 2004 (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2004) aims to address these problems but there is little evidence to date on its effectiveness or on the knowledge required to guide effective action against age discrimination and promote positive attitudes towards ageing. This project draws on existing Australian data sources including The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) and The Household, Income and labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA). Comparative international analysis on this topic is both feasible and desirable, and will strengthen the policy usefulness of the analyses undertaken.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 1534

Other opportunities with Associate Professor Kate O'Loughlin