This project involves the design of novel control systems to improve the efficiency of photonic systems.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A field programmable gate array (FPGA) is an array of logic gates in which the functionality and interconnection can be configured by downloading a bitstream into its memory. They combine the programmability of microprocessors with the speed and flexibility of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Many problems in experimental photonics require electronic circuits to measure and control them. Building blocks required include correlators, coincidence detectors, fast decision logic, feedback control and machine learning. This research will be conducted in collaboration with Physics, and aims to develop systems which utilise the benefits of processing in both photonic and electronic domains. Examples include feedback control of microwave photonic filters to stabilise centre frequency, time-multiplexing of single photons in quantum photonics and the development of high-performance time-to-digital and digital-to-time converters.
Web link for Computer Engineering Lab:
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2041