Research Supervisor Connect

Psychological underpinnings and correlates of sex and sexuality


Sex and sexuality have fascinated people throughout the ages. Ample literary works, theological and moral musings, philosophical accounts, social discourse, and popular presentations of various aspects of different aspects of their related behaviour and their underlying meaning have been depicted, communicated for a wide variety of purposes. People’s curiosity about sex seems to know no bound. Systematic research on sexuality from a psychological perspective enriches our understanding of that core element of being a person in the cultural and social context and one’s experience of sexuality forms and relates to many other central elements of our personhood.


Dr Ilan Dar-Nimrod.

Research location

School of Psychology

Program type



What is the origin of our sexual orientation- is it determined by birth or changes with societal interactions? This interesting question is one that most people have an opinion on. How does those opinions and beliefs shape psychological outcomes such as stigma consciousness and internalized homonegativity among Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay individuals? How do they relate to these individuals’ psychological wellbeing? How does the choice of one’s sexual orientation label (e.g., “gay”, “pansexual”, “queer”) relate to their attraction to others people? How does it relate to their depressive symptomology? How do people evaluate individuals in consensual non-monogamous relationships?  Do such evaluations relate to people’s characteristics? Those above questions are some of the questions being studied in my lab. However, they represent only a small segment of fascinating research questions on the psychological aspects of our sexuality. Join us in asking the new, cutting edge questions using the best available methodologies.  

Additional information

HDR Inherent Requirements

In addition to the academic requirements set out in the Science Postgraduate Handbook, you may be required to satisfy a number of inherent requirements to complete this degree. Example of inherent requirement may include:

- Confidential disclosure and registration of a disability that may hinder your performance in your degree;
- Confidential disclosure of a pre-existing or current medical condition that may hinder your performance in your degree (e.g. heart disease, pace-maker, significant immune suppression, diabetes, vertigo, etc.);
- Ability to perform independently and/or with minimal supervision;
- Ability to undertake certain physical tasks (e.g. heavy lifting);
- Ability to undertake observatory, sensory and communication tasks;
- Ability to spend time at remote sites (e.g. One Tree Island, Narrabri and Camden);
- Ability to work in confined spaces or at heights;
- Ability to operate heavy machinery (e.g. farming equipment);
- Hold or acquire an Australian driver’s licence;
- Hold a current scuba diving license;
- Hold a current Working with Children Check;
- Meet initial and ongoing immunisation requirements (e.g. Q-Fever, Vaccinia virus, Hepatitis, etc.)

You must consult with your nominated supervisor regarding any identified inherent requirements before completing your application.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2212

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