I am a specialist of modern and contemporary French and Francophone literature and visual art, with a specific interest in word and image relations.
I am interested in interactions between verbal and visual expressions, collaborations between artists and writers and artists’ writings. I am currently working on the writings of French-American artist Louise Bourgeois.
I am currently working on the writings of French-American artist Louise Bourgeois.
I am also working on contemporary Francophone Oceanic art, with a specific interest in present modes of production and visibility of Francophone artists in that region.
French and Francophone Studies, School of Languages and Cultures (SLC)
Louise Bourgeois:
My current research focuses on the French-American artist Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010). I am currently writing a monograph entitled Louise Bourgeois: The Artist as Writer (under contract with Penn State University Press). Relying on archival research, my book offers a new portrait of the artist as a writer, arguing that her oeuvre can be read as a work of literature. Using the perspective of literary studies to reassess the artist’s work, it establishes how writing, reading, but also collecting and making books are central to her artistic practice.
I am also working on a new research project on the Bièvre river, Paris's hidden waterway, which first appears on medieval city maps and disappears at the time of Haussmann’s renovation plans, which buried it underground. As it went under the surface, it sunk away artworks, literary texts, material objects and traces of cultural practices. My project uncovers this neglected corpus, looking at Paris through its absent river to understand what it was, could have been and what it plans to be.
Some of my more general research interests include:
1. If you are interested in this research opportunity, you are encouraged to email the potential supervisor directly. To find their email address, follow the link provided to their profile page.
When contacting them, you should describe your academic educational background and research experience, and include an academic transcript and CV (resume). You should also include a research proposal (1500-2000 words); refer to How to write a research proposal for guidance. You should explain why you want to undertake a PhD and how you believe your research topic aligns with the supervisor’s own research. You may be asked to supply a sample of written work.
2. Your potential supervisor may offer you advice on developing your research proposal before you submit your application. You will need to provide a written statement from your potential supervisor that they have agreed to supervise your project.
3. If you would like general advice in your subject area before submitting an application, contact an academic advisor listed here: https://www.sydney.edu.au/arts/study/postgraduate-research/postgraduate-research-contact.html
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 3275