Research Supervisor Connect

The fluid mechanics of particulate inhalation under various types of breathing


Our aim is to undertake a large-scale study to improve our understanding of the impact of particulate inhalation during exercise and/or extreme environmental conditions.


Associate Professor Agisilaos Kourmatzis.

Research location

Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering


A range of potential directions for this project are possible, from developing an instrumented system that “models” particulate generation from a bushfire-like system, to computational modelling of inspiratory and expiratory flow and airway deposition, to implementation of laser-based diagnostics to improve our understanding of particulate flow processes during intense breathing. We have a degree of flexibility and can tune projects to leverage on your skill and interest. This is a highly multidisciplinary project that will be running across sites. There will be up to 3-4 PhD students working on this program over the next few years and you would be one of those students.

Additional information


A PhD scholarship for 3.5 years at the RTP stipend rate (currently $40,109 in 2024). International applicants will have their tuition fees covered.

Successful candidates must:

  • Have a Bachelors degree (1st class honours or equivalent) or a Masters degree
  • Have evidence of completion of a major research project.
  • Have a keen interest in at least one of fluid mechanics, optical diagnostics, instrumentation, experimental methods, computational fluid dynamics.

How to Apply:

To apply, please email the following:

  • CV
  • transcripts

Want to find out more?

Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 3424

Other opportunities with Associate Professor Agisilaos Kourmatzis