Research Supervisor Connect

Cellular Automata Based Cryptography


The purpose of the study is to focus on designing CA-based cryptography components, in particularly with use of nature inspired searching techniques.


Professor Albert Y. Zomaya.

Research location

Computer Science

Program type



The current cryptography algorithms relay on use of a few primitives such as pseudorandom numbers, permutations, nonlinear transformations, etc., which are designated with the use of specific mathematical constructs. An interesting and potential approach to design these components is cellular automata (CA). CA is currently a single nature inspired methodology which is able to provide computations equivalent to a Universal Turing Machine, but the way of using them for such purposes is open question. A new perspective to design future-oriented CA-based algorithms is applying evolutionary or other nature inspired techniques. The purpose of the study is to focus on designing CA-based cryptography components, in particularly with use of nature inspired searching techniques.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 974

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