Your Search Results

The Impact of masculinities on men's health

To examine the impact of the configuration of masculinities on the health and health seeking behaviours of men. more...

Supervisor(s): Fisher, Murray (Dr)

Dynamics of litterfall and fine fuels after fire in sclerophyll forests and woodlands.

Litterfall is a dynamic process and subject to major seasonal variation.  In eucalypt forests and woodlands, droughts may induce significant (e.g. +50%) increases in annual lit more...

Supervisor(s): Adams, Mark (Professor)

Water use characteristics (tree hydraulics) of resprouting eucalypts in Low and High Elevation Mixed Species Forests, north-east Victoria, southern NSW and the ACT

This project will quantify whole-tree water use in sub-catchments that were burnt in 2003, 2007 and 2009.  Resprouting eucalypts dominate many of the foothill forests and woodl more...

Supervisor(s): Adams, Mark (Professor)

Charcoal production during prescribed fire and its role in carbon turnover

Prescribed fires convert variable amounts of biomass into a variety of forms of ‘black carbon’.  Both the rate (and efficiency) of conversion and the forms of black more...

Supervisor(s): Adams, Mark (Professor)

High Density EEG measurement in sleep disorders

Study the electroencephalography during sleep and wake to phenotype patients with sleep disorders, and neurodegenerative or psychiatric disorders with sleep disturbance. more...

Supervisor(s): Grunstein, Ron (Professor)

Novel diagnostic methods and treatment in insomnia disorder

This project will develop clinically deployable methods for insomnia phenotyping and test treatments tailored to these phenotypes. more...

Supervisor(s): Grunstein, Ron (Professor)

Developing Molecular biomarkers in sleep disorders

This project will explore potential biomarkers for a range of sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea, insomnia and circadian phase disorders. more...

Supervisor(s): Phillips, Craig (Dr), Grunstein, Ron (Professor)

Structure-based drug design with Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase

Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase (sEH), and more importantly its inhibition, may form the basis of a number of therapies due to anti-inflammatory more...

Supervisor(s): Church, W Bret (Dr)

Geometry and Asymptotics of Integrable Systems

The field of integrable systems is relatively young but has stimulated great interest amongst physicists (in the theory of random matrices, string theory, or quantum gravity) and ma more...

Supervisor(s): Joshi, Nalini (Professor)

Feeding sulfate to plants: Plant-microbe communication in the rhizosphere

The roots of all crop plants are surrounded by a myriad of other organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and invertebrates. This community plays a crucial role in maintaining more...

Supervisor(s): Kertesz, Michael (Associate Professor)