Your Search Results

Practical quantum error correction

How can we protect quantum information stored in real physical systems, given that quantum superpositions only survive for fractions of a second? more...

Supervisor(s): Grimsmo, Arne (Dr), Flammia, Steven (Professor)

Quantum computing with Majorana fermions

A Majorana fermion is an exotic particles with the unusual property of being its own anti-particle, first hypothesised by Ettore Majorana in 1937. Is it possible to use these peculi more...

Supervisor(s): Grimsmo, Arne (Dr)

Circuit quantum electrodynamics

Quantum electrodynamics is the fundamental theory describing photons, electrons and their interaction. What happens when an electronic circuit operate in the quantum regime such tha more...

Supervisor(s): Grimsmo, Arne (Dr)

Genomics of deafness in the Dalmatian and Australian Cattle Dog

Dalmatian and Australian Cattle Dog breeds are at increased risk of deafness compared with other dog breeds in Australia. Our project explores the links between deafness, coat colou more...

Supervisor(s): Wade, Claire (Professor)

Evolutionary genomics of seasonality in animals

Seasonal breeding in certain mammals restricts their reproductive output. Seasonality is known to be influenced by global latitude and genes impacting melatonin synthesis and catabo more...

Supervisor(s): Wade, Claire (Professor), Bathgate, Roslyn (Associate Professor)

Cross-adaptation of visual and auditory motion and psychophysical receptive fields for multisensory motion

This project will build on recent work in our lab using a genetic algorithm (GA) to determine spatiotemporal receptive fields for translating visual motion. Pilot work shows the the more...

Supervisor(s): Alais, David (Professor)

Machine learning in cell identity, fate decision, and lineage prediction

Multi-omics and single-cell omics approaches are transforming our understanding of stem cell-based regeneration of tissues and organs on the individual cell level. By generating and more...

Supervisor(s): Yang, Pengyi (Dr)

Epilepsy in CP advert

This project aims to investigate the effects of comorbid epilepsy on children with cerebral palsy. The project will investigate the characteristics, clinical and imaging risk factor more...

Supervisor(s): Dale, Russell (Professor)

Precision medicines for GABA-A receptor variants in epilepsy

Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies (DEEs) are rare and severe neurological conditions often associated with intellectual disability, developmental delay, autism spectrum d more...

Supervisor(s): Collins, Mary (Professor)

Encapsulated Next generation perovskite solar cells

This project will build the next generation of photovoltaic solar cells for addressing the air-conditioning load in buildings by converting their facades to energy harvesting surfac more...

Supervisor(s): McKenzie, David (Professor)