Woman engaging in group discussion at Sydney Knowledge Hub

Programs and events

Resources for research commercialisation
Tap into the research innovation ecosystem with upcoming events and resources that can support you in your research commercialisation journey.

Upcoming events

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Workshop: Legal Foundations 101

Wed 5 June from 12 - 1 pm @ the Sydney Knowledge Hub Lounge

From setting up your business and ideal startup structures, founders agreements & vesting, to IP need-to-knows and some hiring basics, LUNA will give you the low down on essential legal foundations for your startup.

During this workshop, you can expect to walk away with:

  • Understanding the right structure for your startup;
  • Key terms in founder agreements;
  • IP Ownership in Australia; and
  • how to properly engage people that work for your business.

Register here.

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Online Commercialisation Cafe

It’s never too early to have a chat with the Commercialisation Office Team about your project and the potential for commercialisation or intellectual property strategy.

Book a 30 minute casual chat.

Partner with us on an event

We are always on the lookout for motivated partners to share ideas on industry engagement and commercialisation with our members.

If you have any ideas that you’d like to work with the Sydney Knowledge Hub on, please get in touch.