
10 women shaping the future of Sydney

advocate for diversity and inclusion, and improving gender equality is everyone’s responsibility. ... Can technology turn us into elite athletes? Listen to Dr Lian Loke's talk.

Celebrating women in STEMM

This International Women’s Day asks Australians to #BeBoldForChange by encouraging inclusive and better working environments. ... Read about Professor Jennifer Byrne and why she’s concerned about questionable research papers that show evidence of

It's not too late to fight for our digital rights

It's not too late to fight for our digital rights. 28 November 2017. ... Uber’s admission that it covered up a major data hack affecting 57 million users is the latest example of a mass infringement of digital rights.

Sydney women lead the way

It’s critical to build trust with all staff. If you aspire to be a leader, embrace every opportunity. ... Role models help but society undermines women’s confidence and we cannot fix that in an instant.

ALP’s battery storage policy: 4 expert reactions

Battery storage is an ideal solution as it shifts photovoltaic (PV) generation to times when it’s needed most. ... conversion from the University of Sydney's School of Electrical and Information Engineering.

How does sunscreen work?

UVB is short-wave radiation, and it's the one that's most responsible for sunburn. ... It’s never too late to start using sunscreen, said Professor Diona Damian.

Ethical design guidelines for future technology released

Is it okay to manipulate people’s emotions if it’s making them happier? ... It is the culmination of a year’s work by 250 world leaders in technology, law, social science, business and government spanning six continents.

Women making an impact in STEMM

Who’s your favourite female fictitious character and why? It has to be Jane Eyre, for the enormous impact that book had on my 12-year-old self. ... In line with her discipline of teaching, Rebecca’s research focuses on oral health literacy and the

Meet the power couple of back pain research

As some of Australia’s best up-and-coming medical research talent, the Ferreiras received National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowships to progress their work on one ... Manuela’s focus is on surgical management

Whitlam, Medibank and health system reform

Medibank was strongly identified with Whitlam's leadership and the new direction he took the ALP. ... After 1975, despite promises to preserve Medibank, Malcolm Fraser's Coalition government undermined the new scheme.