Results that match 1 of 2 words


Ethical design guidelines for future technology released

A team of technologists - including the University of Sydney's Professor Rafael Calvo and Dorian Peters - have joined forces with doctors, lawyers, economists and philosophers to make technology ethical. ... Lawyers considered the future of privacy and

Explainer: how do drugs work?

Whether a drug is prescribed by the doctor, bought over the counter or obtained illegally, we mostly take their mechanism of action for granted and trust they will do what

Whitlam, Medibank and health system reform

The new policy faced intense hostility from the Left of the federal ALP, which remained wedded to an approach built on expanding salaried doctors in community health clinics. ... It remained a system for paying the doctor, not reforming the delivery of

How does sunscreen work?

Professor of Dermatology, Diona Damian, brings to light everything you need to know about sunscreen including the difference between UVA and UVB protection.

Peddling of unproven stem cell treatments is unsafe and unethical

A growing number of clinics around the world are exploiting regulatory gaps to sell so-called stem cell treatments without evidence that what they offer is effective or safe.

COVID-19: How behavioural economics insights can help health measure compliance

The increasingly frequent public reminders that health workers are at risk when treating coronavirus patients (such as social media campaigns featuring images of doctors and nurses) directly links our misbehaviour (not

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed

The stationmaster revived almost immediately, leading another doctor to assert “the injection of Ammonia saved the man’s life” (do not try this at home).