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Home - Save Sight Institute

We're home to Australia’s leading ophthalmologists, researchers and scientists. We conduct research and clinical trials, treat patients in our clinic and educate the next generation of eye specialists.
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The Sydney Institute of Agriculture was established to research and contribute valuable knowledge to the agriculture and food sector. Learn more.
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Research - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Professor Amanda Denes (University of Connecticut) will be working with Dr Mandy Henningham (Sociology) on a project exploring bi+ (bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, etc) people’s experiences from both qualitative and quantitative
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Home - Matilda Centre

The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney delivers innovative research programs and online resources to prevent and treat mental and substance use disorders.
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Patient stories - Brain and Mind Centre

Whether it's completing a driving test or re-gaining the ability to draw, the successes of our patients are what we value most.
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Research centres institutes and groups - Faculty of Science

Learn more about the globally renowned research centres and institutes at the Faculty of Science and collaborate with some Australia’s leading researchers.
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John Grill Institute for Project Leadership - Faculty of Engineering

We are advancing breakthrough research into project management and leadership across the areas of governance and methodology, social processes and sustainability in projects, and networks, data and visualisation.
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Research centres institutes and groups - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Our diverse range of research centres, institutes and groups combine the expertise of our world-class scholars to make meaningful real-world impact.
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The Sydney Nanoscience Hub's microscopy suite, nanofabrication cleanroom, and laboratories are specifically designed and built for the type of work our researchers and industry partners need to do.
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New hope for Parkinsons treatment - Brain and Mind Centre

is a significant step towards developing disease-modifying treatments for Parkinson’s patients. ... Over 48 weeks, they will receive one of the three trial medications and continue on their usual Parkinson’s medication.