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Academic advice

This FASS degree pathways guide can help you navigate subject selection for your specific degree with easy-to-read colour coded diagrams relating to majors, electives and OLEs amongst other course ...

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Current students_

Health and wellbeing

Read our sleep tips (pdf, 72KB) for strategies to help improve your sleep.
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Class timetables

Read more about the key features of Sydney Timetable and watch our video. ... Read-only. A read-only unit means you can't enter preferences or adjust classes.
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Troubleshoot your timetable

Troubleshooting clashes and other timetable issues.
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Planning your course

Course planning advice for students in liberal studies degrees, professional degrees, specialist degrees and other degrees not in these categories.
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Explore the Open Learning Environment

Experiences. Read important information on the application process, departmental permission, and additional fees associated with these units.
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Read about reporting wrongdoing.
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Inclusion and disability

In the application you will be required to read and acknowledge the IDS conditions of registration and consent (pdf, 203KB).
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Student responsibilities

pay all student contributions or fees by the date due. read and understand the University Privacy Statement. ... check your University student email account regularly, read all University correspondence, and respond promptly where required.
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Student IT

You will be provided with a student email account and have access to wi-fi, computers, printers and scanners on campus.