
Rise of the machines: how worried should we be about AI?

Tuesday January 09, 2024
In 2021 he was a Fulbright-Schuman scholar at the Harvard Law School. ... The future of generative AI (Sandra Peter on the Sydney Business Insights Podcast, April 2023).

2022 Events - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Tuesday June 20, 2023
2022 Events. 2022 events archive. The Southeast Asia Centre runs a series of events throughout the year. Read through our listings of past events for an indication of the centre's interests. Event_. SSEAC Postgraduate Lunch. Join us for a casual


Monday July 15, 2024
Share. Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | A Comparative Consideration of Insider Laws of United States and Australia (8 February 2024). ... Watch on YouTube: "Ross Parsons Law & Business seminar: Continuous disclosure laws in Australia" (29

National Reconciliation Week

Tuesday June 04, 2024
Now more than ever, we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.

2020 events

Monday January 08, 2024
Professors Jaky Troy and Lisa Jackson Pulver, defence lawyer Teela Reid and GUIR founder Ken Zulumovski, come together to talk about reconciliation, unfinished business and reckoning. ... Leaders in business, government, education and advocacy to explore

Human Rights and Business in Myanmar - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Wednesday December 07, 2022
Human Rights and Business in Myanmar. Assessing the human rights impact of doing business in Myanmar. ... After the 2021 military coup, international businesses in Myanmar have been under pressure to show they are not merely continuing ‘business as

Professional obligations in an age of climate change

Thursday August 12, 2021
At the core of every profession, from engineering to accountancy to law to journalism, is the idea of providing expertise in service to the public good. ... lens. She has nearly twenty years’ experience in corporate law, with particular expertise in

Fearless: empowering women around the world

Thursday November 21, 2019
Professor Cooper is actively engaged with government, business and NGOs in the women’s policy area. ... Ms Chan is an Alumna of the University of Sydney, with Bachelor degrees in both Science and Laws. .

A new light on quantum computing

Thursday June 04, 2020
She has established a post-graduate course (“Inventing the Future”), which links business and design students to technically focussed (Science and Engineering) students, requiring them to work together in teams.

2019 events

Monday January 08, 2024
Three of the University of Sydney’s leading researchers from Business, Urban Studies and Chemistry share their insights. ... What musical traditions do copyright laws protect and threaten? Do all musical cultures hold equal status in the eyes of the law