
Hype and cash are muddying our understanding of quantum computing

The head of the University of Sydney's Quantum Control Laboratory, Professor Michael Biercuk, helps you assess the various competing claims about the next big technological breakthrough. ... Professor Michael Biercuk in his laboratory. It’s no surprise

Why it matters that student participation in maths and science is declining

Why it matters that student participation in maths and science is declining. 13 October 2015. Australian students do less maths and less science than previous generations, and much less than international peers. If declining participation in maths

What it’s like to be a woman working in science, and how to make it better

What it's like to be a woman in science. 17 September 2015. Professor Nalini Joshi reflects on her experience as a woman working in science and discusses an important equality initiative. With the launch of the Science in Australia Gender Equity

Protecting the rights of the digital workforce in the ‘gig’ economy

Protecting the rights of the digital workforce in the ‘gig’ economy. 18 August 2015. With on-demand work rising, how do we protect the rights of employees? The gig economy can offer greater flexibility and economic efficiencies but at what cost?

Results that match 1 of 2 words


Forget the 3Rs: modern schools need to embrace the 4Cs

Professor Michael Anderson. Teachers need more than policy. No one is pretending changing schooling is easy. ... Dr Michael Anderson is a Professor of Education (Arts and Creativity) in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work.

New world by the time class of 2031 graduates

Professor Michael Anderson. About 70,000 students will start kindergarten in NSW this week. ... This will benefit all of us. Professor Michael Anderson is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney.

Cost of living deters disadvantaged students

Disadvantaged and low-SES students are disproportionately affected by cost-of-living pressures, writes University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence in The Australian. ... Dr Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor. One of the reasons that as

Teachers must disrupt the classroom in the automation age

How can schools be relevant in the 21st century? As a Sydney Ideas panelist set to debate Australian schools, Professor Michael Anderson explains how teachers can be change-makers in an ... Professor Michael Anderson takes part in a Sydney Ideas panel,

We shouldn't select refugees by religion

Address. Level 4, Corner of Eastern Avenue and City Road Michael Spence Building F23.

Bachelor offers key to drive a global economy

Our graduates are entering a global job market that is undergoing radical change, writes Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence. ... studies. Dr Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor and Principal. In addition to providing discipline area expertise,