
What is your real 'biological age'?

What is your real 'biological age'? 14 February 2018. What does this mean for your health? ... What are the risks and side effects of these options? This article was first published on The Conversation and written by Dr Carissa Bonner from the School

No evidence of serious mental health issues for women after abortion

The impact of abortion on serious mental health issues has been studied for many decades. ... Researchers assessed the baseline mental health among women with an unwanted pregnancy who sought abortion.

Open Science in the Age of COVID-19

In the face of the most pressing public health crisis in recent memory, the importance of generating and communicating reliable knowledge has never been more important. ... However, that is not just true of medical and public health research.

Facebook's news ban before COVID vaccine rollout is dangerous

Screenshot of the Queensland Health Facebook page at 11:30am. It has now been restored. ... We are living through a significant public health event. Facebook has a moral responsibility to support public health messages being put out by experts and

Why you're probably not 'addicted' to your smartphone

the Square event, Phone Addiction: Mental Health and Inner Lives, Thursday 9 May 2019 at the Old Rum Store, Chippendale. ... Your phone should only notify you for meaningful events to aid in your health and productivity during work hours.

Coronavirus distancing measures are confusing here are 3 things to ask yourself before you see someone

1. What’s the latest advice of my state or territory health department? ... The first is to look to the latest advice for your state and territory health department, and be aware that they may change from day to day or even within a

5 ways Sydney researchers are reducing the burden of diabetes

The breath ketone analyser will be a less invasive and far more accurate way for people with diabetes to monitor their health, by measuring blood ketone levels in the breath,” said ... Our analysis adds to the evidence that weight control and physical

Experts examine the COVID-19 tracing app

University of Sydney academics from the disciplines of cybersecurity, media, law and health comment on COVIDSafe, the COVID-19 contact tracing app released by the federal government. ... and local communities getting back to work, back to socialising at

How will we know COVID vaccines are safe

What might be the health consequences a year after vaccination, or further into the future? ... Your anonymised results will be reported to your state or territory health department and the TGA.