
Is ASIC the watchdog that no one fears?

a cost of doing business and so don’t necessarily change corporate behaviour. ... as corporate law breaches in the same way that they do violent crimes.

How banks can win public trust back

A bank's claim that "trust is critical to our business" sits very awkwardly with its recent track record, writes Professor David Kinley for the ABC. ... The simple answer is that a social conscience is not the core business of banking.

Is FaceApp hoarding our data?

But it also underscores that we can pay for such services with our money, our time or our privacy," said Mike Seymour, an Associate Lecturer from the University of Sydney Business

How the shady world of the data industry strips away our freedoms

Practices of big technology companies pose threats to our privacy and democracy, writes Professor Uri Gal from the University of Sydney Business School. ... Professor Uri Gal is an expert in the intersection between digital technology, people and

Don't be a HASS-been, HSC leavers

If you're a year 12 student with a preference for humanities, don't change it. The humanities will make you job-ready (just ask Kamala Harris).

6 ways politics "trumps" health in America

By law, the Consumer Product Safety Commission cannot regulate two products: firearms and tobacco. ... Find out more about health law study and units on offer in 2018, including 'Law, Business and Healthy Lifestyles' delivered by Professor Magnussen and

New data retention law seriously invades our privacy

retention laws, writes Associate Professor Uri Gal from the University of Sydney Business School. ... Third, the law is justified by the need to protect Australians from terrorist acts.

Experts examine the COVID-19 tracing app

University of Sydney academics from the disciplines of cybersecurity, media, law and health comment on COVIDSafe, the COVID-19 contact tracing app released by the federal government. ... China also uses mobile apps for combating COVID-19. “Australia is

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law

The outcome of this case may shed some light on status of drivers in the eyes of the law. ... Professor Joellen Riley is Dean and Professor of Labour Law at the Sydney Law School.

Banking Royal Commission: personal greed and corporate culture

This group profit growth target is then divided up between business divisions or units and sub targets identified. ... Funeral insurance to be subject to financial service laws. Cap on insurance sales commissions for car dealers.