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Top tips for choosing a mozzie repellent

Here's how to choose a mosquito repellent and how to use it for the best protection, with University of Sydney mosquito expert Dr Cameron Webb. ... And always check the instructions on the label. This article was first published on The Conversation and

Bzzz, slap how to treat insect bites

Top tips on how to treat insect bites (home remedies included) by University of Sydney expert Dr Cameron Webb.

Are mosquito coils good or bad for our health?

Medical entomologist Dr Cameron Webb explains. The sight and smell of smouldering mosquito coils is a mainstay of summer. ... Dr Cameron Webb is a Medical Entomologist at Sydney Medical School.

Should I throw away food once a fly has landed on it?

4 January 2016. When it comes to passing on pathogens it’s not necessarily the fly itself but where it’s come from that matters, says Dr Cameron Webb. ... Dr Cameron Webb is a Clinical Lecturer at Sydney Medical School.

New mosquito threats shift risks from our swamps to our suburbs

1 April 2016. The outbreak of Zika virus has refocused the attention of health authorities on mosquito-borne disease, writes Dr Cameron Webb.

Does Zika virus pose a threat to Australia?

Cameron Webb. How to reduce the risk of transmission. Fortunately, authorities are well placed to contain an outbreak of Zika virus, as the required strategies are the same as management of ... Dr Cameron Webb is Clinical Lecturer and Principal Hospital

We should learn to love germs

We should learn to love germs. 13 September 2016. Should Australia follow the lead of the US and ban the use of anti-bacterial compounds? Can we learn to love germs instead of fearing them? Dr Nicholas Coleman, microbiologist from the University of

Explainer: the federal Climate Policy Review

The federal government's new climate policy review proposes loosening the rules on Australia’s biggest-emitting companies, such as power generators. Dr Rebecca Pearse explains how it might be a sign of business as usual.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women influencing Sydney staff

Tracey Cameron – generations of political activism and social change. ... Tracey Cameron. Gamilaroi woman. Tutor and lecturer in Education, Indigenous Studies Gamilaraay language.

Citizens of the World

In Britain, a government deeply implicated in the state failure, violence, social chaos and human tragedy in the Middle East region, Prime Minister David Cameron has prevaricated.