Sydney Mail

Sydney Mail is your official University student email account.

Why you’re checking work emails on holidays (and how to stop)

But email alerts or phone calls, or even the simple sight of our laptop, can activate work identities and associated mindsets and behaviours. ... First, we can scan the environment and remove any cues that might activate our work identity (beyond

Is FaceApp hoarding our data?

In recent weeks there have been privacy concerns and questions around how FaceApp processes facial images, and whether the app is amassing a database of user-submitted images for political purposes, under the guise of a light-hearted game.

What is your real 'biological age'?

Age-based risk calculators that work out your “real biological age” are increasingly popular. We hear about body age on health shows like How to Stay Young; gyms promote reductions in metabolic age and fitness age; games and apps claim to lower

Why you're probably not 'addicted' to your smartphone

Tips to reduce your smartphone use, from our cyberpsychology expert. Obsessively checking your smartphone apps might look like addiction, but is it? Dr Andrew Campbell from the University of Sydney explains.

Are you walking your dog enough?

It seems that 40% of Australian dogs are not walked enough and that a similar percentage of dogs are overweight or obese. With colleagues at the University of Sydney, we are interested in collecting more recent data on these trends.

A dog's life

Behavioural problems in male dogs may be affected by how early in their life they are desexed, with the study raising questions about whether there should be routine desexing of male dogs at all, according to a new study by University of Sydney

Do physios manage pain properly

New international research shows one in four physiotherapists provide treatments that aren't based on evidence.

Mental health system needs reform

“More funding for mental health services is crucial but unless we overhaul the current system and defund ineffective programs, we will be throwing good money after bad," says Professor Ian Hickie.

Can we build it? Yes, we can

Can Australia can become a global manufacturing hub, create jobs and enhance national security? Yes, writes Professor Simon Ringer for The Daily Telegraph, who says the time is ripe for investment in advanced manufacturing to spur Australia's economy