
Cost of living deters disadvantaged students

improved. Finally, funding for the Higher Education Participation and Partnership Program — which provides funding to assist universities in undertaking activities and implementing strategies that improve access to undergraduate courses for

Q&A: Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme tutor, Lindsay McCabe

I’m still enrolled in that degree and am in the middle of completing my honours year. ... The ITAS program is an essential part of the support that exists here for Indigenous students.

A Q&A with Nalini Joshi

me. I was a small child with a big dream. I did a Bachelor of Science with honours at this University, before going on to complete a PhD in applied and ... The need for change is becoming more visible in Australia, because there is a lot happening with

‘Whitesplaining’: what it is and how it works

‘Whitesplaining’: what it is and how it works. 2 October 2015. What is 'whitesplaining' and why do celebrities get accused of it? Matt Damon and Kyle Sandilands have both recently been accused of 'whitesplaining', but what does that mean?

Explainer: what is genderqueer?

Explainer: what is genderqueer? 26 October 2015. Investigating the complex relationship between sex and gender. Genderqueer, transgender and genderfluid: what are the differences and how can we challenge the instinct to automatically label? Jessica

Time to say no to shameful TPP trade-offs

Time to say no to shameful TPP trade-offs. 30 September 2015. Australia has little to gain and much to lose in the current Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. It is time to ask why the Australian Government would secretly trade off

We shouldn't select refugees by religion

We shouldn't select refugees by religion. 22 September 2015. By prioritising minorities we risk denying protection to some of Syria’s most persecuted refugees. Australia runs the risk of denying protection to some of the most persecuted and

Muslim teens need space and support to find their voices

Policies such as a plan to lower the age where police can seek control orders on suspected terrorists aged 16 to 14 and running deradicalisation programs at high schools will only

We should shout about this historic language win

Importantly, this means that communities themselves can help design how the languages are taught and have the chance to include their own knowledge and expertise in the schools' programs.

Tianjin disaster takes social news sharing to new levels in China

Tianjin disaster takes social news sharing to new levels in China. 26 August 2015. The tragic explosion has become the most viewed news event on a social media platform. Associate Professor Tim Dwyer and PhD candidate Weiwei Xu write in The