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Mental health system needs reform

More funding for mental health services is crucial but unless we overhaul the current system and defund ineffective programs, we will be throwing good money after bad," says Professor Ian Hickie. ... Professor Ian Hickie AM, University of Sydney. “We

Mental health expert calls for ‘smart choices’ on Medicare reform

Who is acting in the public interest? Professor Ian Hickie urges the Medicare review's mental health reference group to reconsider extending rebates to people "at risk" of mental illness, saying ... Professor Ian Hickie. Established in 2015, the Medicare

Malcolm needs a date with Dr Google

The new PM can make a difference to mental health by supporting investment in technologies linked to smart systems and expert clinical care, writes Professor Ian Hickie. ... Professor Ian Hickie AM is the Co-Director of the Brain and Mind Centre at the

Online therapies can improve mental health, with no barriers to access

Evidence says they can be effective instead of (or as well as) seeing someone face-to-face, write Professor Ian Hickie and Dr Sebastian Rosenberg. ... It was authored by Professor Ian Hickie from the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre and Dr

Mental health impact of lockdown fatigue requires urgent response

of such prolonged social isolation, writes Professor Ian Hickie. ... This article was first published on The Conversation and written by Professor Ian Hickie, mental health expert and co-director of the Brain and Mind Centre. .

How banks can win public trust back

Resisting calls for greater public scrutiny because it would be bad for private business (as Commonwealth Bank's Ian Narev argued before a parliamentary committee earlier this year) is to entirely

Mental health: Turnbull can lead change, like Howard and Gillard

When it comes to mental health reform, Malcolm Turnbull can make a real difference, writes Ian Hickie. ... Professor Ian Hickie is co-director of the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of Sydney.

Are you ready for the jobs of the future

The jobs of the future. 4 August 2016. Are we ready for the jobs of the future asks Professor Ron Johnston. ... Professor Johnston's piece was first published onVictoria Hollick. Media and Public Relations Adviser.

How can we make sense of the Orlando shooting?

Dr Christopher Neff and Professor Ian Hickie from the University of Sydney took part in a panel discussion on The Drum, broadcast on ABC on Sunday 13 June. ... A psychiatrist and prominent health campaigner, Professor Ian Hickie told The Drum that there

What we need from drugs that are meant to end life

Which drugs should be used to end life if euthanasia is legalised in Victoria? Dr Betty Chaar and Sami Isaac from the Faculty of Pharmacy explain.