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Good laws create freedom, not a nanny state

Good legislation creates greater freedom, rather than impeding it, argue Paul Griffiths and Roger Magnusson. ... Good laws create greater freedom. For example, if the Australian government acts decisively to reduce domestic violence, this intrusion into

Value capture no path to infrastructure utopia

Without case-by-case analysis of each project where value capture is to be applied, the risks are skewed to doing more harm than good.

What is the secret to being good at maths?

What is the secret to being good at maths? 23 October 2015. ... What is the secret to being good at maths? Are you simply born clever, or is it the result of a lot of hard work?

3 horse-racing myths busted for the Melbourne Cup

The good news is that with advances in research and veterinary medicine, catastrophic injury rates will decrease over time.

Can an app help us find mindfulness?

While the Breathe app may appear little more than wishful thinking as part of a device otherwise designed to optimise multitasking, its appearance is still a good sign. ... We’ve got a long way to go though, and finding a quiet place to sit in

Saying sorry isn't enough for Indigenous children

Jenni was committed to looking after her baby, who was born premature and in good health. ... Before children can be returned home, parents like Jenni are required to show that they can be "good enough" parents, and provide a safe home.

Top picks of the Sydney Film Festival

I also like the look of Zhang Hanyi’s Life after Life because I can’t resist a good Chinese ghost story; and Wang Yichun’s What’s in the Darkness

Why horse-racing in Australia needs a social licence to operate

Insiders understand that we are all trying to do good, so perhaps the notion of what we mean by good is also changing? ... The new good is about industry taking responsibility and sporting organisations recognising the horse as the chief stakeholder.

Joking your way to the top: why laughter is the best medicine for stressed executives

Yet, in a recent two-year study focusing on a large telecommunications organisation dealing with stresses caused by major regulatory changes, we found people were really good-humoured.

Why $1 a litre milk won’t take Australia from the mining to the dining boom

This fits with a big trend in food purchasing. Increasingly food buyers are demanding quality products of known provenance at good prices. ... Our expertise in precision agriculture and field robotics provides a good foundation but it can’t end there.