
Can an app help us find mindfulness?

Can an app help us find mindfulness? 20 September 2016. Can an app help us find mindfulness in today’s busy high-tech world? With the release of the latest Apple Watch this month came a new Breathe app which promises to "help you better manage

Results that match 1 of 2 words


Talking bots, taboo words and political slogans

News headline corrected by Jane Gilmore for FixedIt [source]. “When you read somebody’s description of something, your interpretation is being controlled by their words and when you describe something, you

Ten tips to become a wine expert

You need to read. Wine experts aren't just good at tasting wines. ... They also know a lot about how it's made, where it's made, and all the other things that you read in wine books.

Lock up your pet cat, it's a killing machine

Roaming pet cats kill 390 million animals per year in Australia, including reptiles, birds and mammals. Read more from University of Sydney.

Imaging study confirms differences in ADHD brains

Imaging study confirms differences in ADHD brains. 22 February 2017. Not all cases of ADHD are the same. Research shows that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with the delayed development of five brain regions, and should be

COVID-19 risk on public transport: What we can learn from overseas

What Australia can learn about reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) on public transport from international efforts, writes Dr Yale Zhuxiao Wong. Read the full opinion piece.

Give teachers more freedom

It's time to roll back curriculum constraints and give teachers the freedom to make their own professional judgements, writes Dr Nicole Mockler. Read more here.

Budget 2017: Turning a good budget into great infrastructure

The Federal Budget 2017 was all about the government driving infrastructure provisions while the private sector took the back seat. Garry Bowditch writes in the Australian Financial Review.

Time for progressive fair trade policies

As US President Donald Trump rejects the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it's time to rethink trade policy and produce inclusive fair trade. Read more here.

How the shady world of the data industry strips away our freedoms

Privacy and democracy are at risk because of the actions of big technology companies, argues Associate Professor Uri Gal in this piece for The Conversation. Read the full article.