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Can machines imitate human intelligence?

But responsibility and control are always in the hands of human beings, argues Mark Coeckelbergh, Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the University of Vienna. ... So humans are responsible, but who exactly? Mark Coeckelbergh speaking at

Bigger Brother is watching

Despite its prescience, Peter Marks, Professor of English at the University of Sydney, argues that the novel should not be read as a despairing dystopia but as a universal “go-to ... Growing up in New Zealand, Marks did not expect to have an academic

Work and organisational studies research

Journals. Journal of Industrial Relations. The publication of the November 2021 issue of the Journal of Industrial Relations marks the end of a 22-year period where Australia's leading journal

In memory of friends far away

Stalla first read the letters at New York Public Library 20 years ago. ... As well as their shared topics, Stalla is interested in Mark Byron’s work on the modernist poet Ezra Pound.

At SSSHARC questions are the focus

They invite an outstanding international scholar to read the manuscript, come to Sydney and present an oral critique in front of invited academics and students who join in the conversation.

Economics research - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

University of Sydney School of Economics Research. We research a broad set of policy relevant and pressing issues, from climate change, poverty and economic development, health insurance and education, international trade, to inequality and

Energy, resources and the environment - Faculty of Engineering

Discover how we're designing the renewable energy and waste transformation technologies to drive us towards a clean and sustainable future.

Australia Cares - Sydney Policy Lab

Workers Union; Emma Maiden, General Manager, Advocacy and External Relations, Uniting NSW/ACT; Mark Peacock, General Manager, Strategy, Transformation and Impact, Hammondcare; Dr Kathryn Refshauge, Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney; Andrew