Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research opportunities_

Graph-based Methods in Power Networks Analysis, Optimisation and Control

Research Supervisor Connect. The analysis tools for power networks assume that the network is either a transmission or a distribution network. These days with distributed generation, demand-side control, storage and bi-lateral power flows, there is
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Future Generation and Grid Planning

Research Supervisor Connect. In the past, planners placed generation according to fuel and water availability, proximity to urban populations and then expanded the grid to allow efficient power delivery and later participation in markets. This has
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Network Econometrics and the Evolution of Transport Systems

Research Supervisor Connect. Network Econometrics is a new set of methodologies to exploit network information when undertaking econometric analysis. It has uses in both short and long-term traffic prediction. This research will test and extend its
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Demand-side Power Network Control

Research Supervisor Connect. Modern power systems much achieve efficiencies in capital expenses for networks by smoothing out peak power demands at the same time as more renewable generation is being used. This can be achieved by giving loads more
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Role of Protein Phosphorylation in Cellular Function

The Lead Supervisor for this project is David James. The project will also be supervised byPHD.
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Power system load modelling in a smart grid environment

Research Supervisor Connect. Power system load modelling remains a challenging area yet to be fully understood. Measurement based load modelling is widely used by industry to develop load models at high voltage level for system operations and
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Regulation of the immune response with vitamin D

Research Supervisor Connect. My group at the Centre for Immunology aims to translate immunogenetic findings from discovery to clinical practice. We have used genome wide association studies to identify genetic variants which affect risk of multiple
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Stochastic power system security assessment and planning

Research Supervisor Connect. The national energy market, mainly electricity and gas markets, in Australia is operated under a single market operator. The electricity market represents the deregulated power industry to facilitating competition in the
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Energy Market Risk Management and Planning

Research Supervisor Connect. The national energy market, mainly electricity and gas markets, in Australia is operated under a single market operator. The electricity market represents the deregulated power industry to facilitating competition in the
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Measures to Increase Trust and Reliability of Robotic Systems in the Presence of Adversity

Research Supervisor Connect. Development of low-profile sensing techniques for stealthy robotic platforms in unstructured environments. This includes minimising electromagnetic and acoustic signatures while performing mission requirements.