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Religion and Natural Heritage

Research Supervisor Connect. Jay Johnston is trained in religious studies, wildlife conservation, cultural heritage of Scotland and Scandinavia, curatorial and museum studies, art history and theory and continental philosophy.

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Research opportunities_

Reducing the Risk of Heat-related Morbidity and Mortality during Extreme Heat Events

Ollie Jay and Prof. Richard De Dear. Interested in this opportunity?
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Body temperature regulation during pregnancy

Ollie Jay and Dr. Kate Edwards. Interested in this opportunity? Want to know what to do next?
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Cooling interventions for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in the Heat

Ollie Jay. Interested in this opportunity? Want to know what to do next?
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Heat wave survival strategies for the elderly

Ollie Jay and Prof. Richard De Dear. Interested in this opportunity?
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Preventing Heat Exhaustion in Professional Tennis (able-bodied and wheelchair)

Ollie Jay. Interested in this opportunity? Want to know what to do next?
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Human heat acclimation for sporting events in different environments

Ollie Jay. Interested in this opportunity? Want to know what to do next?
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Are children at an elevated risk of overheating during exercise in the summer?

Ollie Jay. Interested in this opportunity? Want to know what to do next?
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Using virtual reality environments to investigate cognitive function and psychological disorders

Research Supervisor Connect. The School of Psychology has developed a large laboratory for developing immersive virtual environments. I am looking for students to use these tools to develop tests for assessing basic psychological functions, such as
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Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairments

Research Supervisor Connect. Cancer and cancer treatments are associated with a wide range of side effects, including those of the nervous system. These present as neuropathic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairments, which have have major negative