Results that match 1 of 2 words

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A complete solution of the internal erosion problem for granular media

Research Supervisor Connect. One of the most common mechanisms for the failure of Earth structures is via internal erosion, where fine particles are washed out of the material by the action of water. This project will couple together recent
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The modes of granular segregation

Research Supervisor Connect. Granular segregation will be studied using dynamic X-ray tomography. This will be a pioneering study into the fundamental mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of segregation. Masters/PHD. Granular segregation is a
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Dynamics of litterfall and fine fuels after fire in sclerophyll forests and woodlands.

This project will be supervised by Dr Tina Bell with Dr Meaghan Jenkins and Professor Mark Adams from the University of Sydney.
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Crushable granular flows

Research Supervisor Connect. In both earthquakes and landslides, grains are often crushed during flow. This changes the flowing behaviour, and causes the flow to accelerate. This project will develop an experimental technique to investigate this
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Chronic Hepatitis B: from virological concepts to cure

Research Supervisor Connect. We are seeking passionate Ph.D. and Masters candidates to conduct a research project on understanding how hepatitis B virus persists in the liver to ultimately design a cure for chronic infections. We particularly
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Research Supervisor Connect. In this project we aim to characterise the function of a new gut-derived peptide we have discovered in human plasma, named erusiolin, which we hypothesise plays a role in appetite regulation. With the global pandemic of
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Charcoal production during prescribed fire and its role in carbon turnover

This project will be supervised by Dr Meaghan Jenkins, Professor John Crawford, Professor Mark Adams from the University of Sydney.
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Müller glial-neuronal-vascular interactions in retinal vascular diseases

Research Supervisor Connect. Research projects in the Macular Research Group are focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of Müller glial-neuronal-vascular interactions in retinal diseases. The group has made significant contributions to
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Levee formation in debris flows and avalanches

Research Supervisor Connect. Levees are a feature of many gravity current flows, yet their formation is not fully understood. This project will track their formation in laboratory scale experiments, and develop numerical tools to describe their
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Epigenetic mechanisms of malignant stem cell regulation

Unlike genetic alterations, epigenetic marks can be reversed by treatments with chromatin-modifying drugs, making them suitable targets for epigenetic-based therapies. ... This project aims at exploring epigenetic mechanisms that govern malignant stem