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Genocide in Historical Perspective

Genocide in Historical Perspective - HSTY2652. Year - 2023. Under what conditions do genocides occur What motivates their perpetrators And how do societies recover from their genocidal past This unit traces the history of genocide across the modern
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Introduction to Linear Algebra

Introduction to Linear Algebra - MATH1014. Year - 2023. This unit is an introduction to Linear Algebra. Topics covered include vectors, systems of linear equations, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Applications in life and technological
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Japanese Cinema and Society

Japanese Cinema and Society - ASNS3616. Year - 2023. This unit introduces you to the history of Japanese film production with a focus on theory, criticism and reception. Films will be discussed according to themes and genres, and read in their
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Advanced Life Science

Genetics and Genomics, Immunobiology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Science, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Nutrition and Metabolism, Nutrition Science, or Quantitative Life Sciences.
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Introductory Geography (Advanced)

Introductory Geography (Advanced) - GEOS1902. Year - 2023. Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS1002, but will be required to carry out more challenging practical assignments. Enrolment rules:. Assumed knowledge.
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Discrete Mathematics (Advanced)

Discrete Mathematics (Advanced) - MATH1904. Year - 2023. This unit is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics. It parallels the normal unit MATH1004 but goes more deeply into the subject matter and requires more
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Introductory Nutrition and Metabolism

Introductory Nutrition and Metabolism - NUTM3001. Year - 2024. Nutrition is a multidisciplinary science that covers the role of food in health and disease. ... Advances in biomolecular science have increased the focus of nutrition on the metabolic
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Introduction to Sociology 2

Introduction to Sociology 2 - SCLG1002. Year - 2023. In a rapidly changing world, how do we make sense of current social and political problems effectively? By exploring sociological concepts in creative ways, this unit gives students the tools to
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Japan in East Asia

Japan in East Asia - ASNS2672. Year - 2023. This unit places the modern and contemporary history of Japan within its East Asian context. We will examine a number of key events and subjects pertaining to the relations between Japan, China and Korea.
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Politics and Popular Culture

Politics and Popular Culture - GOVT1661. Year - 2023. We can understand contemporary debates in politics and international relations by studying popular culture. Indeed, these debates sometimes even unfold in popular culture itself. After