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Podcasts - The Solutionists with Mark Scott

Professor Ollie Jay, whose groundbreaking research has informed the likes of Google and the Australian Open, has another way of showing us how dangerous heatwaves can be.

Prizes and honour roll

Johnson BS. Cheryl Minks Prize in Peace & Conflict Studies. Johnston J. ... Hodge EA. Johnston J. Li S. Lim JQ. Macourt FR. McComish MJ.

Professors emerita and emeritus - University Archives

Graham Johnston, MSc Syd. PhD Camb. DPharmaciae Copenhagen, FRACI FTSE (2010). ... Archie Johnston, BSc PhD H-W., HonFIAust CPEng, FTSE, FAICD (2021). Mark Jolly, MDS DDSc, FRACDS (1988).

Gadigal Centre

Jay is a proud Palawa man who connects to roots in Tin Kettle Island and Pipers River. ... Jay has always been a big believer that education is a vital step in making Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the same level as the rest of Australia.

Meet the Solutionists transcript and episode notes - season 1, episode 5

Mark Scott 22:23. With Ollie Jay, friend of the podcast, in his lab? ... And if you want to find out more about Professor Ollie Jay and his work in the heat lab here at the University of Sydney, you can find the discussion with

Meet the Solutionists transcript and episode notes - season 1, episode 1

Professor Ollie Jay thanks for your ground-breaking research. Thanks for your energy. ... Ollie Jay 34:26. Thank you Mark. My pleasure. Mark Scott 34:31.