
Prof Susan Kurrle. Memory Clinics and Regional Clinics Stakeholder; Geriatrician; Director of Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre and Current Professor in Health Care of Older People Northern Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine ... Prof Susan Kurrle

Dementia care in hospitals - Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre

The Care of Confused Hospitalised Older Persons (CHOPs) program aims to improve the experiences and outcomes of older people, 30% of whom present at a hospital with confusion that is a common result of dementia and delirium.CDPC collaborated with

Clinical guidelines for dementia - Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre

Clinical practice guidelines and principles of care for people with dementiaIn February 2016, Australia's first Clinical practice guidelines and principles of care for people with dementia were released.Dementia is the second leading cause of death

Our governance - Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre

Search. Our governance. Our governance. CDPC Directorate. Under the supervision of the of CDPC Director, Professor Susan Kurrle, Operations Manager, Jennifer Thompson, and Communications Manager, Sally Grosvenor, the Directorate facilitated the

CDPC Final Report 2019 - Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre

In her Director’s Report, Professor Susan Kurrle (University of Sydney) explains that it is the involvement of end-users throughout the research process that has influenced the success of the

Page 1 of 3 CDPC Activity 1316 – Activity ...

Collaborative New Research). Activity Team: Prof. Susan Kurrle and Dr. Narelle Shadbolt, University of Sydney (NSW).

Page 1 of 28 Page 2 of 28 Chief ...

Page 1 of 28. Page 2 of 28. Chief Investigator and Director Professor Susan Kurrle. ... staff including our Research Fellow (Dr Shannon McDermott), who along with the Director, Prof Susan Kurrle,.

Adding an International Emmy to research achievements - Intranet

Adding an International Emmy to research achievements. 10 December 2020. Professor Susan Kurrle was the senior geriatric expert on 'Old people's home for 4 year olds' which has been awarded ... The impact of the intergenerational experiment for the