Study area_

Study mathematics and statistics - Faculty of Science

They host a variety of events catered for every kind of maths enthusiast. ... health planner. quantitative analyst in banking. statistician. market analyst. meteorologist. financial analyst.
Study area_

Discipline of Physiotherapy - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Facts & figures. Global leaders in allied health. #4 in the world for sport, physical therapy and rehabilitation, 2023 QS Subject Rankings. ... Postgraduate research. What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a clinical allied health profession that aims

How are postgraduate nursing degrees structured

24 May 2024 -
Amanda Hunneybell, Master of Mental Health Nursing, Registered Nurse, Professor Marie Bashir Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Diverse career opportunities for pharmacists

7 December 2023 -
After working as a project pharmacist at the Pharmaceuticals Society of Australia, Ryan ended up returning to Sydney to study a Masters of Public Health (Health Economics and Policy). ... standards. He has since rejoined NSW Health, returning as

Upcoming events

Tuesday September 24, 2024
Upcoming events. Sydney's most diverse range of free public talks, conversations and panel discussions with leading thinkers from Australia and around the world.

Postgraduate courses in medicine and health - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Postgraduate courses in medicine and health. Take the next step in your medical and healthcare career. ... We also offer a range of professional development and short courses: you can undertakeor short courses offered by Sydney Health Executive

Transforming Sydney's Medical Program

26 August 2020 -
Associate Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health, Professor Inam Haq was pleased to be announcing the program update. ... century health setting, where they will help to solve problems and improve lives.

NSW and Queensland bushfires: experts available for comment

Most healthy people won’t have long-term health consequences from short bushfire smoke events," said Dr Ivan Hanigan from the University's Rural Clinical School and School of Public Health ... Climate is causally linked to the health of the bush.

The shape of things to come

Thursday March 31, 2022
Melody is passionate about and committed to improving population health through epidemiological research and behavioural change. ... More ideas from our speakers. Event banner: Photo by Sora Sagano onConnect with us.