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PowerPoint Presentation

Along with low mood, Jane also describes day-time fatigue, oversleeping and a persistent lack of interest in everyday activities. ... At her initial in-clinic appointment with the university's counsellor, Anne presented with low mood, and kept reverting

Research Publications for 2009

tumours. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 62 (2009), no.11, 1016–1020. C1. and Lee CS. ... L. Poladian, S. Wickham, K. Lee and M. C. J. Large: Iridescence from photonic crystals and its suppression in butterfly scales.

Externally Funded Research Projects - Mathematics and Statistics - University of Sydney

Professor Peter Kim, Associate Professor Federico Frascoli, Dr Robyn Araujo and Professor Dr Peter Lee (chief investigators): Unpacking the immune system with applied mathematics. ( ... Dr Ivan Guo,Dr Kihun Nam and Professor Marek Rutkowski (chief

Research Publications for 2012

M. Kalyuga, D. Gallego-Ortega, H.J. Lee, D. Roden, M.J. Cowley, C.E. ... Peter S. Kim, Peter P. Lee: Modeling Protective Anti-Tumor Immunity via Preventative Cancer Vaccines Using a Hybrid Agentbased and Delay Differential Equation Approach.

Research Publications for 2018

Ahmed Boujelben, Steven McDougall, Michael Watson, Igor Bondino, Nicolas Agenet: Pore network modelling of low salinity water injection under unsteady-state flow conditions. ... K-K. Kwong, H. Lee, J. Pyo: Weighted Hsiung–Minkowski formulas and

People - Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA)

Low-luminosity radio galaxies: demographics, triggers and lifetime in the radio-galaxy phase. ... Joshua Lee. Thesis title: Searching for fast transients with the Australian SKA Pathfinder.

Our research - Neto Research Group

DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-28016-1 (IF=17.7) Highlighted by the Editor, 26 Jan 2022. Lee, T.; Charrault, E.; Neto, C. ... Simple. Cost effective – the polymers that can be used to produce functional patterns are many, low cost and easily (often commercially


redundancy. The report predicted that jobs that involve low levels of social interaction, low levels of. ... creativity, or low levels of mobility and dexterity are most likely to be replaced by information.

Research Publications for 2017

Jae Min, Lee and Stephen C. Preston: Local well-posedness of the Camassa-Holm equation on the real line. ... Michael G Watson, Igor Bondino, Gerald Hamon, Steven R McDougall: A pore-scale investigation of low-salinity waterflooding in porous media:

Webinar 8 Slides

Take an afternoon walkGet past the 3pm low. › Be active rather than sedentary. ... Please contact for more information. The Brain and Mind Centre would like to thank our research partners, such as.