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Research Publications for 2011

Statistics and Computing, 21 (2011), no.3, 395–414. C1. and Lee KKM. ... S.C. Kao, K. Griggs, K. Lee, N.J. Armstrong, S. Clarke, J.

Research Publications for 2015

Michael Barwick: Morse classification of low order jet spaces. Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 60 (2015), no.4, 561–577. ... S H Ong, Atanu Biswas, S Peiris and Y C Low: Count Distribution for Generalized Weibull Duration with


D., Pollard, J., Mendez, A., Mills, D., O’Byrne, J., Scott, D., Hagon, S., Gribble, J., Kirkup, L., Livett, M., Low, D., Merchant, A., Rayner, A., Swan, G., Zadnick, M. ... D., Mills, D. R., Gribble, S. J., Hagon, S., Kirkup, L., Livett, M., Low, D.,

2021 Donor publication

Having completed her PhD in December 2020, Dr Lee supported the whole team to immediately pivot from HIV to COVID-19 research. ... As an early career researcher, I am especially grateful to Snow Medical for helping me undertake cutting-edge research and

Indispensable economic partners: The US-Australia investment relationship | United States Studies Centre

Families are drawn to Australia’s good healthcare system, strong schools, low crime rates and unblemished physical environment. ... This means high skills jobs, not itinerant low-skilled labour. Australian labour, even unskilled labour, is not cheap

The Univ ersi ty o f Sy dney sydn ...

With its low habit and small smooth seed which easily sheds from the seed heads, button grass is efficiently collected using a blower vac. ... Whilst research would reveal further improvements, this project recommends milling research as low priority

Chapter 7: Cultural connections and creativity | United States Studies Centre

The brilliant Spike Lee may still be mesmerised by Griffith’s film, but the celluloid accounts of Black Americans in uniform in defence of the Republic, as evidenced by movies such ... Crocodile Dundee had a virtually unknown cast and was the sort of

INSPIRED How a visionary gift is helping students’ ideas ...

the initials stand for Trace Lee Richey). ... She kept a low profile but pushed an entire department to new heights.

Eight expectations for the AUKUS announcement | United States Studies Centre

significant workforce shortages; the British submarine workforce has fluctuated from as low as 2,000 to as high as 17,000 during construction.