Results that match 1 of 2 words

Sir Ian Douglas Miller

Sir Ian Douglas Miller The honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred upon Sir Ian Douglas Miller, a distinguished graduate of this University, by the Chancellor, Sir Hermann Black, in

Brigadier Alfred Gordon Rowell AO CBE ED

Brigadier Alfred Gordon Rowell AO CBE ED(RL) At a conferring of degrees ceremony held in 1989, the honorary degree of Doctor of Dental Science was conferred upon distinguished graduate and

Professor Fiona Juliet Stanley AC

Professor Fiona Juliet Stanley AC The degree of Doctor of Medicine (honoris causa) was conferred upon Professor Fiona Juliet Stanley at the Medicine ceremony held at 11.30am on 15 April ... Chancellor, I present Fiona Juliet Stanley for admission to the

Professor Douglas Donald McGregor

Mr Professor Douglas Donald McGregor The degree of Doctor of Veterinary Science (honoris causa) was conferred upon Professor Douglas Donald McGregor at the Pharmacy graduation ceremony held at 11.30am on ... Chancellor, I have great pleasure in

Emeritus Professor Peter Orlebar Bishop AO

Emeritus Professor Peter Orlebar Bishop AO The honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred upon Emeritus Professor Peter Orlebar Bishop AO by the Chancellor Sir Hermann Black at the conferring ... In 1967 Peter was awarded the degree of Doctor of

Mr Edward George Bowen OBE

Mr Edward George Bowen OBE The honorary degree of Doctor of Science was conferred upon distinguished scientist Edward George Bowen on 2 May 1957, at a special meeting of the Senate

The Hon Kenneth Whistler Street

The Honourable Kenneth Whistler Street The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon the Honourable Kenneth Whistler Street by the Chancellor Sir Charles Bickerton Blackburn KCMG OBE at the ... Mr Chancellor, I present Kenneth Whistler Street

Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Dental Medicine - Foundational Knowledge unit of study table

Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Dental Medicine. Foundational Knowledge unit of study table. ... Dental Medicine Foundational Knowledge Units. Students in the:. (a) Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Dental Medicine.

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