Results that match 1 of 2 words


New test to help predict the progression of melanoma

18 July 2024 -
Australian researchers have played a critical role in the discovery of a potential new test to predict which early stage melanoma patients are at a high risk of their disease recurring and progressing.

Do not resuscitate: the benefits of an early decision

28 November 2019 -
While it is recommended doctors raise the issue with patients early there is no national policy or standardised information on DNRs. ... Few patients in the study had already discussed it with their doctor.

Dr Karl - Faculty of Science

Dr Karl. A favourite in Australian science. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki is a qualified scientist, doctor and engineer whose fun-loving personality and gift for storytelling led him to become a ... TV weatherman, science reporter, and medical doctor at The
Current students_

Completion letter

Master of Teaching. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

General postgraduate scholarships - Scholarships

$8500 p.a. (up to 4 years). Domestic student. Commencing or being currently enrolled full-time in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine . ... $25,500 p.a. (up to four years). Enrolled full-time. First Year of a Doctor of Medicine (MD).

World first tool to improve COVID 19 diagnosis free and online

16 October 2023 -
The cloud-based life-saving technology, developed by Australian-based radiation and imaging experts DetectED-X, will help doctors and radiologists diagnose cases faster and more accurately.

Australian GPs cautiously supportive of medicinal cannabis access

27 November 2019 -
A majority of GPs support medicinal cannabis being available on prescription, with their preferred “access model” involving trained GPs prescribing independently of specialists, a survey by the University of Sydney's Lambert Initiative published

What's it really like to study medicine at Sydney

Are you interested in studying the Doctor of Medicine, but you want the inside scoop on the course before you hit apply? ... Meet Shelley She, a 24-year-old student who completed a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) at the University of Sydney before

Research overseas scholarships - Scholarships

Up to $15,000. PhD or Doctor of Arts student. Demonstrate that travel is required for your studies. ... $2000. High academic achiever experiencing financial hardship. Enrolled in final year of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Juris Doctor Program.