Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Plasma and Astrophysics

Plasma and Astrophysics - PHYS3037. Year - 2023. Looking at the sky it is easy to forget our Sun and the stars are continuous giant nuclear explosions, or that nebulas are vast fields of ionized gases, all obeying the same laws of physics as
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Introduction to Statistical Methods

Introduction to Statistical Methods - ENVX1002. Year - 2023. This is an introductory data science unit for students in the agricultural, life and environmental sciences. It provides the foundation for statistics and data science skills that are
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Visions of Francophone Worlds

Visions of Francophone Worlds - FRNC2625. Year - 2023. This unit is required for the major in the French and Francophone Studies introductory and intermediate streams. It explores how French and Francophone societies have evolved from the early 20th
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Climate Change: Process, History, Issues

Climate Change: Process, History, Issues - AFNR5801. Year - 2023. This unit provides students with an overview of current debates and approaches to understanding and quantifying interactions between the biosphere, oceans and atmosphere, as used
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Arab and Middle East Politics

Arab and Middle East Politics - ARBC3200. Year - 2023. This unit focuses on power, resistance and political change in the Arab World and Middle East, from the First World War until today. It examines the trajectory of the State, trans-national
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Ecological Econ and Sustainable Analysis

Ecological Econ and Sustainable Analysis - PHYS5031. Year - 2023. This unit of study introduces contemporary topics from Ecological Economics and Sustainability Analysis, such as metrics for measuring sustainability; planetary boundaries and other
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Introduction to Mechanobiology

Introduction to Mechanobiology - BMET9962. Year - 2023. This course introduces you to Mechanobiology an emerging field of science that integrates biology and engineering and is now considered to have significant influence on the development of
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Global Change, Sustainable Livelihoods (Adv)

Global Change, Sustainable Livelihoods (Adv) - GEOS3924. Year - 2023. GEOS3924 has the same thematic content as GEOS3524 however with elements taught at an Advanced level. Enrolment rules:. Pre-requisites. A mark or 75 or above in (GEOS2X21 or
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Core Issues in Practical Philosophy

Core Issues in Practical Philosophy - PHIL3686. Year - 2023. This unit addresses key questions in practical philosophy via three connected modules. In the first we consider the nature of values, whether and how we can acquire moral and aesthetic
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Advanced Power Conversion Technologies

Advanced Power Conversion Technologies - ELEC5207. Year - 2023. The unit aims to cover advanced topics in power electronics and it applications. In particular, the power electronics interface design and implementation for microgrid, smart grids and