Emerging Giant: The Making of America - HSTY1023. Year - 2023. Touching down on the shores of the 'New World', the first European colonists imagined the creation of an earthly paradise. But their mission soon floundered in the face of internal
Multivariable Calculus and Modelling (Adv) - MATH1923. Year - 2023. Calculus is a discipline of mathematics that finds profound applications in science, engineering, and economics. This unit investigates multivariable differential calculus and
Gene and Genome Regulation - BCMB3001. Year - 2023. Virtually every cell in your body contains the same DNA, but each one of your cell types uses a distinct subset of genes to define its function throughout its lifetime at every step along its
Cell Biology - BIOL2029. Year - 2023. Cell biology is one of the most dynamic areas in science today. In both plants and animals, cell to cell communication and coordination of the cell cycle, as well as cellular division and migration, are vital
Indonesian 2A - INMS2601. Year - 2023. This unit emphasises practice in the spoken forms of standard and colloquial Indonesian, along with development of reading and writing skills. Reading of texts related to modern Indonesian society will develop
Transit, Transmission, Contagion - ICLS3102. Year - 2023. How do objects, diseases, bodies, ideas and texts travel across time and space? What emotions and anxieties do their travels entail? How do words narrate the encounters and blending of
Astrophysics and Relativity (Advanced) - PHYS2913. Year - 2023. This unit of study builds on the foundation provided by Junior Physics and first semester of Intermediate Physics, to provide introductions to Special Relativity (Space and time at high
From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced) - BIOL1907. Year - 2023. Paradigm shifts in biology have changed the emphasis from single biomolecule studies to complex systems of biomolecules, cells and their interrelationships in ecosystems of life. Such
Research Topics: Early Modern Philosophy - PHIL6103. Year - 2023. This unit will examine key texts, thinkers and movements in the history of early modern philosophy. Topics to be considered may include conceptions of personal identity, the body, the