Results that match 1 of 2 words

Discipline of Occupational Therapy - Faculty of Medicine and Health

We're at the forefront of occupational therapy practice, policy and education in Australia by extending the knowledge base and educating leading practitioners. We have multiple occupational therapy courses.

Poor management of surgery pain key contributor to opioid crisis

22 October 2019 -
Worldwide, use of prescription opioids more than doubled between 2001-2013, from 3 billion to 7.3 billion daily doses per year, and doctors in many countries give medication in excess

Destigmatising dementia with culturally informed translations

5 July 2024 -
I’ve witnessed many Chinese-speaking people in Australia delay their first appointment with doctors because they did not want to face their health situations.

Frazer Allan Scholarship - Scholarships

Frazer Allan Scholarship. A postgraduate coursework scholarship. $7,500 scholarship to support students enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program in the Faculty of Science who are experiencing financial ... I. withdraws from the Doctor

Staff - Sydney Uni Sport - Our Services Team

Strength & Conditioning Staff. Shane Ball – Athletic Performance Manager. Since starting at Sydney Uni Sport in December 2014 as an intern with SUFC, Shane has obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Health
Study area_

Jazz - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Learn more about our courses in jazz, their learning outcomes, career pathways and our experienced teaching staff.

Meet the Solutionists transcript and episode notes - season 1, episode 5

Episode 5: The first 1,000 days – baby doctor Adrienne Gordon on giving your child the best start in life. ... With me is Adrienne Gordon, a baby doctor who spends hours with newborns at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and a clinical professor within