
Sydney researchers claim all 2023 Eureka Prizes in leadership

24 August 2023 -
Dr Stephanie Partridge combines her expertise in digital health, public nutrition and research to unravel the intricate mechanisms that can prevent obesity and chronic illnesses.

Charles Perkins Centre: The year in review 2022

22 December 2022 -
A selection of some of the key stories and research making the news from Charles Perkins Centre members, collaborators and partners.

Leo living the dream - Sydney Uni Sport

I then enrolled at the University of California, Davis, where I spent for two years studying nutrition and competing in at the elite domestic racing scene. ... I’m hoping to stay in Australia and work in product development in the health and nutrition

Engineering doctorate awarded to Sir Michael Hintze AM

13 November 2019 -
His major donation to the Charles Perkins Centre enabled the Michael Hintze Incubator and Innovation Fund that has helped develop stem cell therapy for pain management, a nutrition monitoring app based ... on novel integrative precision nutrition

Inaugural Charles Perkins Centre Director to step down

30 July 2024 -
After 13 years as inaugural Academic Director of the Charles Perkins Centre (CPC), Professor Stephen Simpson AC FRS FAA will step down from the role at the end of March 2025, after which he will continue as Professor in the School of Life and

Adolescent health in the Pacific

5 November 2021 -
The research node builds on existing active research networks in the region, includingFALAH), and Sydney Food and Nutrition Network.

Feeling glum? 10 positive stories you may have missed

14 August 2020 -
Their new book Eat Like The Animals reveals the reasons a baboon, a cat and a locust instinctively know exactly what to eat for balanced nutrition, and yet we humans

Sydney academics recognised in highly cited researchers list

21 November 2021 -
He has worked extensively in the fields of physical activity, obesity, smoking and cardiovascular disease prevention and is currently the co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Physical Activity, Nutrition

Human Centred Technology - are we using them to their full advantage?

17 February 2016 -
The presentations include:. Improving the health and wellbeing of young adults with digital technology, Prof Margaret Allman-Farinelli (Nutrition) highlights digital technology to tackle obesity, one of the most wicked health

Meet the 2023 Student Innovation Award winners

6 November 2023 -
With the group members coming from such diverse disciplines, such as arts, science, commerce, nutrition, and law, I've always believed it's the differences in thinking which create solutions to