
With advances in neurotech, how can we protect our brain data?"

16 February 2023 -
Our neurodata can reveal our most private selves. As brain implants become common, how will it be protected? Christina Maher from the University of Sydney explains the benefits and risks.

Building a legacy of inclusion

3 May 2024 -
The second focuses on LGBTQI+ students in business, addressing the unique challenges they encounter in the professional world. ... Emphasizing the role of education in overcoming discrimination, Steve advocates for diversity in the business realm.

How transit scaling shapes our cities

12 August 2021 -
A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney reveals public transport investments in large metropolitan areas reap a better return, with more passengers adopting public transport, than those in smaller cities.

Omni-channel retail in harmony with green city logistics

7 July 2020 -
business district. ... Concerned by the impact of e-commerce on local shops and fears of the ‘death of the high street’[8], one German startup is forming cooperatives of local businesses to provide

How to improve Australian technological innovation

9 May 2024 -
Report author Dr Sebastian Boell, a senior lecturer in Business Information Systems at the University of Sydney Business School, said Australia has a proud history of ICT innovation. ... Declaration . This research was produced by the University of

ChatGPT now better at faking human emotion

20 May 2024 -
Marcel Scharth is a Lecturer in Business Analytics at the University of Sydney Business School. ... This article originally appeared in Media contact. Harrison Vesey. Media Advisor (Business).

The power of stories to help or hinder progress

16 November 2023 -
2023 Cleveringa Address, to be held at the University of Sydney Business School on Monday 27 November. ... The University of Sydney Business School. Corner of Abercrombie St and Codrington St, Darlington.

Immigration overhaul will address Australia’s future needs

1 May 2023 -
Stephen Clibborn from the University of Sydney Business School in The Sydney Morning Herald. ... Associate Professor Chris F Wright. Australia’s migration system is broken. It is a truth universally acknowledged by government, business, unions and

Quantum ethics project awarded DFAT grant

21 April 2021 -
The project will bring together academics, business leaders, government and military representatives, legal and policy experts, to develop world-first quantum accords that will inform international governance of quantum technologies.

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