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scnews: "Congratulations to Sean Carnaffan and Adrianne Jenner" by Anthony Henderson

of the B H Neumann Prize (which was won, incidentally, by our former Honours student Hao Guo, now a PhD student in Adelaide).

SMRI in the News - Sydney Mathematical Research Institute

July 2022. SMRI visitor profile of Ivan Guo (4 July):“Financial models of the future” featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 206, hosted by Storm Bear World.

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The Debate Papers: Is the US Space Force a good idea? | United States Studies Centre

Testimony of Christina Chaplain, GAO Director Acquisition and Sourcing Management before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces on Space Acquisitions, May 17, 2017, GAO 17-619T.

Illuminating Lived Experience

Illuminating Lived ExperienceExploring Researcher Perspectives on Co-design Through Participatory Methods. Juliet Bennett, Amanda Tattersall, Brendan McCormack, Katie Moore, Damian Mellifont, Amy Conley Wright, Lisa Fennis, Ghena Krayem, Mouna Sawan,

Visitors to the School

School of Mathematics and Statistics. Menu Selector. About. Research. Undergraduate study. Internal. About the School. Undergraduate Study. For Prospective Students. Internal Pages. You are here: About. About. List of visitors. Follow us_.. Visitors

Early Career Researcher (ECR) Training Program Handbook Training the ...

Prof Nicola Newton, A/Prof Tim Slade, Dr Emma Barrett, Dr Katrina Champion, Dr Christina Marel, A/Prof Lexine Stapinski, A/Prof Matthew Sunderland).

sydney.edu.au/sca Page 1 This artwork is copyright.Apart from any ...

Page 12 Page 13Monika Viktoria Diak – BVA (Hons) Yueyue Guo – BVA. ... A Reasonable Dance. Enxi Guo – MMIDRAMA. Writer/Director: Enxi Guo Editor: Ran Wang.