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Schedule of Presentation Advancing Emerging Markets Research Conference 22nd ...

Innovation 9:15 – 9:45. Professor Christina Ahmadjian. Hitotsubashi University Foreign MNCs, Business Groups, and Networks: Carlos Ghosn, Nissan, and the Clash of Business Systems in the Japanese Automotive Industry.

2024 Food Governance Conference Abstract Booklet

Ana Paula Cardoso Richter1, Christina Zorbas, Josephine Marshall, Kathryn Backholer. 1 PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Deakin University.

Externally Funded Research Projects - Mathematics and Statistics - University of Sydney

theory. Professor Mary Myerscough, with Dr Christina Bursill and Professor Helen Byrne: New mathematics for lipids and cells: structured models for atherosclerosis.,2023-10

The Unravelling - Seymour Centre

Winner of Best Music Show at the 2019 Melbourne Fringe, composers Christina Higham and Victoria Cotta of Nomads Like Us are delighted to be bringing The Unravelling to Sydney in 2022.

Con tact us Prev entio n Re sear ch ...

Con. tact. us. Prev. entio. n Re. sear. ch. Col. labo. ratio. nAn. nual. Rep. ort 2. 019-. 2020. sydn. ey.e. du.a. u/m. edic. ine/. publ. ic-h. ealth. /pre. vent. ion-. rese. arch. 61 2. 862. 7 18. 50pr. min. @sy. dney. edu. au. Cove. r im. age